======Nullify====== ||**Type:** Trait||**Action:** Standard (active)|| ||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant|| ||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 1-3 points per rank|| Nullify can counter particular effects, or perhaps even any effect (see Countering Effects, M&M, page 70). You can|t nullify innate effects (see the Innate power feat description). Make a ranged attack roll to hit the target. Then make an opposed check of your Nullify rank and the effect|s rank or the target|s Will save, whichever is higher. If you are targeting the subject of an effect rather than the effect|s user, make an opposed power check (Will save is not a factor). If you win, the targeted effect turns off, although the user can re-activate it normally. If you lose the opposed check, you do not Nullify the effect and trying again against the same subject in the same encounter requires extra effort. The cost per rank determines what you can counter: - **1 point: **Counter any one effect of a particular descriptor at a time (fire effects, magical effects, mental effects, etc.) or a single effect of any descriptor ([[MMMindControl Mind Control]], [[MMSnare Snare]], [[MMTeleport Teleport]], etc.). Choose the affected descriptor or effect when you acquire the effect. - **2 points: **Counter all effects of a particular descriptor (such as fire or magic) or type (like attack or sensory effects) at once. Choose the affected descriptor or type when you acquire the effect. - **3 points: **Counter all effects at once. This level of Nullify is available only with the Gamemaster|s permission and may depend on the nature of effects in the setting. =====Power Feats===== - **Affects Insubstantial: **Nullify does not require this power feat to affect insubstantial targets, or the [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] effect itself. You can attempt to nullify the effects of insubstantial targets normally. - **Selective: **If you can Nullify multiple effects at once, this power feat allows you to choose which are nullified and which are not. =====Extras===== - **Alternate Save: **Nullify may require a Fortitude rather than a Will save to represent an effect resisted by the subject|s physical fortitude rather than strength of will. - **Area: **An Area Nullify effect works on all targets in the area. Make a single power check and compare the result against the opposed power checks or Will saves of the targets. Targets lacking any effects you can nullify are, naturally, unaffected. - **Duration: **If Nullify|s duration is increased above instant, any countered effect is suppressed and cannot be re-activated until the duration expires. The user of the countered effect may use extra effort to gain another opposed Nullify check. If successful, the effect can be re-activated. - **Effortless (+1): **Trying again does not require extra effort for you. You can retry a Nullify attempt an unlimited number of times. - **No Saving Throw: **You automatically Nullify effects with a rank equal to or less than your Nullify rank with no opposed check. - **Nullifying Field (+0): **Rather than targeting a specific individual, you can Nullify effects in a radius of (rank x 5) feet around you as a standard action. This is a combination of the Touch range (-1) and Burst Area (+1) modifiers. Some characters have a Nullifying Field as an Alternate Power of Nullify. Some Nullifying Fields also have the Duration extra. - **Randomize (+0): **Rather than being countered, the effect(s) targeted by your Nullify acquire the Uncontrolled flaw and go out of control (as dictated by the GM). - **Selective Attack: **If you have an Area Nullify effect, this extra allows you to choose who in the area is and is not affected by it, nullifying some targets and not others. =====Flaws===== - **Side Effect: **If you fail to nullify an effect, you might suffer some kind of "backlash" or similar side effect. [[MMPoderes]]