======Morph====== ||**Type:** Alteration||**Action:** Free (active)|| ||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1-3 points per rank|| You can alter your appearance to that of other creatures or even objects of the same mass. Your traits do not change; your new form is merely a cosmetic change. You gain a +5 bonus to Disguise checks per rank when using Morph to assume a different form. For 1 point per rank you can assume a single other appearance. For 2 points per rank you can assume any form from a broad group like humanoids, animals, machines, and so forth. For 3 points per rank you can assume any form of the same mass. For the ability to change size as well as appearance see the [[MMGrowth Growth]] and [[MMShrinking Shrinking]] effects. To take on the other traits of forms you assume, see the [[MMShapeshift Shapeshift]] power in the following chapter or the Metamorph power feat in the following section. =====Power Feats===== - **Metamorph: **Morph only changes your appearance; you have all the traits of your normal form. This feat allows you to have an alternate set of traits, essentially a complete alternate character you change into. You can switch between sets of traits at will, once per round, as a free action. Your other form(s) must have the same point total as you and are subject to the same power level limits. They must also have traits suitable to your Morph effect. For example, if you can only Morph into humanoid forms, then your alternate forms have to be humanoid. All of your forms must have your Morph effect and Metamorph feat(s). The GM may require certain additional common traits for all of your forms. Each additional rank of this feat gives you another set of traits you can change into. Metamorph is best suited to characters with a defined list of alternate traits. For a character able to transform into numerous forms with various traits, see the [[MMShapeshift Shapeshift]] power. =====Extras===== - **Attack: **A Morph Attack imposes a different appearance on the target creature. Unlike a [[MMTransform Transform]] effect (see [[MMTransform Transform]] in this chapter), a Morph Attack is entirely cosmetic: you can|t change the target|s traits other than appearance. =====Flaws===== - **Phantasm (-1): **Your Morph effect is a mental illusion; only intelligent (Int 1+) creatures perceive it. It cannot fool machines like cameras or non-intelligent robots. - **Saving Throw (-1): **Observers who have reason to believe your assumed form is not real can make a Will saving throw to penetrate your disguise (DC 10 + Morph rank). A successful save reveals your assumed form as false, and anyone who communicates that information to others gives them a +4 bonus on their Will save or Notice check. =====Associated Effects===== - **Polymorph: **For a "polymorph," able to assume a wide range of forms with different traits (poly = many, morph = shape) see the Variable structure in this chapter as well as the [[MMShapeshift Shapeshift]] power in the following chapter (which is an application of a Variable structure for shapeshifting.) [[MMPoderes]]