Revision history for MMMinionRules
- Minions cannot use the [[MMAccurateAttack Accurate Attack]], [[MMAlloutAttack Allout Attack]], [[MMDefensiveAttack Defensive Attack]], [[MMPowerAttack Power Attack]] and [[MMWithstandDamage Withstand Damage]] [[MMCombatModifiers combat modifiers]], although they can get them as regular [[MMFeats feats]].
- Certain traits (like Takedown Attack) are more effective against minions.
- Certain traits (like [[MMTakedownAttack Takedown Attack]]) are more effective against minions.
- If a minion fails a Toughness saving throw, the minion is knocked unconscious (nonlethal damage) or dying (lethal damage). Attackers can choose a lesser effect, if desired.
- Minions cannot use the [[MMAccurateAttack Accurate Attack]], [[MMAlloutAttack Allout Attack]], [[MMDefensiveAttack Defensive Attack]], [[MMPowerAttack Power Attack]] and [[MMWithstandDamage Withstand Damage]] [[MMCombatModifiers combat modifiers]] against non-minions, although they can get them as regular [[MMFeats feats]].
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