Revision [249]

This is an old revision of MMMindReading made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-11 18:53:58.


Mind Reading

Type: Sensory (mental) Action: Standard/Full (active)
Range: Perception Duration: Concentration (lasting)
Saving Throw: Will Cost: 1 point per rank

You can read another character|s thoughts. To use Mind Reading, make an opposed power check against the result of the target|s Will saving throw.

If successful, you can read the target|s surface thoughts (meaning whatever the target is presently thinking). Mind Reading transcends language; you comprehend the target|s thoughts whether or not you share a common language. The target gets an additional opposed Mind Reading check vs. Will save for each interval that passes on the Time Table, with a cumulative +1 bonus per save.

If you lose the opposed check, you cannot read the target|s thoughts. You can try again the following round, but the renewed attempt requires extra effort and the target gets a cumulative +1 bonus on the Will save per attempt in that encounter.

Bluff And Mind Reading

If you can interact with your subject, a successful Bluff check against the target|s Sense Motive check result causes the subject to think about a particular piece of information you|re looking for, such as a password or name, allowing you to pluck it from the subject|s surface thoughts.

Mind Probe

You can also mentally probe a target|s mind for information. Take a full-round action and make an opposed check of Mind Reading vs. Will save. If you win, you can essentially ask any one question and receive the answer from the target|s mind. If the target doesn|t know the answer, then you know that. Especially personal or guarded information grants the target a +1 to +5 bonus on the Will save, while information the subject doesn|t consciously know (subconscious or forgotten due to amnesia, for example) grants a +5 to +10 bonus on the Will save and the target can|t choose to forego the save.

You can continue to ask questions, one per round, for as long as you maintain your mind probe, requiring a full-round action each round. The target gets an additional opposed Mind Reading check vs. Will save for each interval that passes on the Time Table, with a cumulative +1 bonus per save.

If you fail your power check, you cannot probe the target|s mind. You can try again the following round, but the renewed attempt requires extra effort and target gets a cumulative +1 bonus on the Will save per attempt.

Mental Grappling

You can use Mind Reading to initiate a mental grapple (see Mental Grapple, M&M, page 157, for details).

Power Feats



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