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======Mind Control======

||**Type:** Sensory (mental)||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Perception||**Duration:** Concentration (lasting)||
||**Saving Throw:** Will||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

You can control another character|s mind, and therefore actions. To use Mind Control, make an opposed power check against the result of the target|s Will saving throw. If you succeed, you control the actions of the subject, or "thrall", as long as you maintain the effect. If you fail, there is no effect. You can try again, but the target gets a cumulative +1 bonus to Will saves against Mind Control for each successive attempt in the same encounter and trying again against the same target in the same encounter requires extra effort.

The thrall|s consciousness is largely suppressed while controlled, meaning the subject cannot say or do anything without direction, and has no memory of being controlled when the effect ends.

=====Issuing Commands=====

Issuing a command is a move action--separate from the standard action needed to establish control (so doing both takes up a full round). If the thrall has no means of understanding you, you can only issue simple commands that can be conveyed with gestures (like "come here" or "stop").

Roll a new opposed check of Mind Control vs. Will save for each interval on the [[MMTimeTable Time Table]] that passes, starting at one minute, with the thrall getting a cumulative +1 bonus per save. A thrall can also use extra effort at any time to gain a new opposed check to try and break free. Thralls commanded to carry out an action strongly against their nature get a new opposed check immediately, with a +1 to +4 bonus on top of the cumulative bonus, depending on the type of command. Success breaks your control. These opposed checks do not require extra effort from you.

Obviously self-destructive commands are automatically ignored, but do not break your control. Potentially self-destructive commands, however, are not, although they may entail a new opposed check. So, for example, you cannot simply command a thrall to walk off a cliff, but you could walk him into a deathtrap or other potentially (but not obviously) dangerous situation.

=====Multiple Thralls=====

You can establish control over as many thralls as the action and duration of your Mind Control allow. At the default of a standard action and concentration, this is only one thrall, since you cannot take another standard action to use Mind Control again while maintaining concentration. If your Mind Control is sustained, you can establish control over one thrall, then attempt to control another on the following round, and so forth. The GM may set a limit on the number of thralls you can control at once (just like the limit on the number of free actions you can perform during a round).

=====Noticing Mind Control=====

As a mental effect Mind Control has a degree of subtlety; noticing that someone is under its influence requires a Sense Motive check (DC 10 + Mind Control rank).

=====Power Feats=====

- **Mental Link: **You can give commands to your thralls mentally over any distance (with no need to speak). Issuing a command is still a move action, however.

- **Subtle: **Mind Control already has a degree of subtlety: only targets of the effect and those with the appropriate sense (such as Mental Awareness) detect its use. A rank of Subtle makes it a DC 20 Notice check for either to detect a use of Mind Control, while two ranks make the effect completely undetectable.


- **Area: **You can control everyone in the affected area: make a single Mind Control check, opposed by the Will saves of all potential targets. Compare the results individually against each Will save to determine the effect. In the case of minions or large groups of relatively undifferentiated subjects (random crowds, etc.) the GM may choose to make a single Will save for the entire group and compare it against your Mind Control check result. Issuing commands to a group of thralls still takesa move action per command, so it|s easier to give a group of thralls the same command ("attack!") than it is to issue specific commands to each one.

- **Conscious (+1): **Your thralls are conscious and aware, but completely obedient, effectively fanatically loyal. This means the subject can be commanded to relate knowledge or use skills based on mental abilities. Thralls are aware of being controlled once the Mind Control ends, unless the effect is Subtle, in which case subjects have no explanation for their unusual behavior or simply no memory of it (your choice when you end the control).

- **Effortless (+1): **Additional Mind Control attempts against the same subject in the same scene or encounter do not require extra effort for you; you can try again as often as you like.

- **Instant Command (+1): **You can issue commands to your thralls as a free action. You must have the Mental Link feat to apply this extra, since verbal commands cannot be issued this quickly.

- **Sensory Link (+1): **You can perceive everything one of your thralls does, like an ESP effect (see ESP in this chapter). Your own senses are inactive while using your sensory link and you can only perceive through the senses of one thrall at a time.


- **Distracting: **Mind Control may well be distracting for the user, imposing this flaw while you are controlling one or more thralls.

- **Limited to One Command (-1): **You can give targets only one command, like "sing and dance" or "live out your repressed desires." This command is chosen when you acquire the effect and can|t be changed.

- **Requires Grapple: **You must first pin a target with a mental grapple (see Mental Grapple, M&M, page 157) before you can attempt an opposed Mind Control check. This makes the Mind Control attempt a full-round action, regardless of how many opposed checks the grapple takes, since it occurs only in your target|s mind.

- **Sense-Dependent: **Your Mind Control works through a target|s senses to reach the mind. Examples include eye contact (Sight-Dependent), hypnotic music (Hearing-Dependent), and pheromones (Scent-Dependent), etc (see the Sense-Dependent flaw for details).


- **Noticeable: **The effects of your Mind Control are noticeable by means other than Awareness and Sense Motive: perhaps your thralls| eyes glow, their skin changes color, or an unusual scent like flowers or brimstone hangs in the air around them.

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