======Medicine (Wis, Manipulation, Trained Only, Requires Tools)====== You|re trained in treating injuries and illness. **Check:** The DC and effect depend on the task. - //Diagnosis (DC 10):// You can diagnose injuries and ailments with an eye toward treatment. At the GM|s discretion, a successful diagnosis provides a +2 bonus on Medicine checks for treatment. - //Provide Care (DC 15):// Providing care means treating a wounded person for a day or more or providing routine medical treatment. If successful, the patient adds your Medicine rank to any recovery checks (see Damage, page 163). You can tend up to your skill rank in patients at one time. - //Revive (DC 15):// You can remove the dazed, stunned, or unconscious conditions from a character. This check is a full-round action. A successful check removes one condition. You can|t revive a dying character without stabilizing him first. - //Stabilize (DC 15):// As a standard action, a successful Medicine check stabilizes a dying character. - //Treat Disease (DC 15):// You can tend a character infected with a disease. Every time the diseased character makes a saving throw against disease effects (after the initial contamination), you make a Medicine check requiring 10 minutes. If your check succeeds, you provide a bonus on the character|s saving throw equal to your Medicine rank. - //Treat Poison (DC 15):// You can tend a poisoned character. When a poisoned character makes a saving throw against a poison|s secondary effect, you make a Medicine check as a standard action. If the check succeeds, you provide a bonus on the character|s saving throw equal to your Medicine rank. - //Surgery (DC 15-30):// You can perform surgical operations. The DC ranges from 15 for routine procedures to 30 or more for tricky operations like heart or brain surgery. **Try Again:** Yes, for reviving dazed, stunned, or unconscious characters, and stabilizing dying characters. No, for all other uses of the skill. **Action:** Medicine checks take time based on the task, as described above. **Special:** You can take 10 when making a Medicine check. You can take 20 only when giving long-term care or attempting to revive dazed, stunned, or unconscious characters. If you do not have the appropriate medical equipment, you take a -4 penalty on your check. You can use the Medicine skill on yourself only to diagnose, provide care, or treat disease or poison. You take a -5 penalty on checks when treating yourself. [[MMSkills]]