Investigate (Int, Trained Only, Requires Tools)

You know how to prepare evidence for analysis and study clues.

Check: You generally use Search to find clues and Investigate to analyze them. If you have access to a crime lab, use the Investigate skill to collect and prepare samples for the lab.
The base DC to analyze a clue is 15. It is modified by the time elapsed since the clue was left, and whether or not the scene was disturbed. Success gives you information based on the clue (as determined by the GM).

CircumstancesDC Modifier
Every day since event (max modifier +10)+2
Scene is outdoors+5
Scene slightly disturbed+2
Scene moderately disturbed+4
Scene extremely disturbed+6

To collect a piece of evidence, make an Investigate check (DC 15). If the check succeeds, the evidence is usable by a crime lab. If the check fails, a crime lab analysis can be done, but the lab takes a -5 penalty on any necessary check. If the check fails by 5 or more, the lab analysis simply cannot be done. On the other hand, if the check succeeds by 10 or more, the lab gains a +2 bonus on its checks to analyze the material.
This function of Investigate does not provide you with evidence. It simply allows you to collect evidence you have already found in a manner that best aids in its analysis later.

Try Again: Generally, analyzing a clue again doesn|t add new insight unless another clue is introduced. Evidence collected cannot be recollected, unless there is more of it to take.
Action: Analyzing a clue is a full-round action. Collecting evidence generally takes at least a minute.

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