======Immunity====== ||**Type:** Defense||**Action:** None (passive)|| ||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Permanent|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank|| You are immune to certain effects, automatically succeeding on any saving throw or ability check against them. You assign ranks of Immunity to various effects to gain immunity to them (with more extensive effects requiring more ranks). These assignments are permanent: - **1 rank: **aging, disease, poison, one environmental condition (cold, heat, high pressure, radiation, or vacuum), one type of suffocation (breathe normally underwater or in an alien atmosphere, for example), starvation and thirst, need for sleep, or a rare power descriptor (such as your own powers, a close sibling|s powers, etc.). - **2 ranks: **critical hits, suffocation effects (no need to breathe at all), or an uncommon power descriptor (such as chemical, gravitic, necromantic, etc.). - **5 ranks: **alteration effects, dazzle effects, emotion effects, entrapment (grappling, snares, or bonds), fatigue effects, interaction skills, trait effects, or a particular Damage descriptor (such as bullets, cold, electricity, falling, fire, magic, radiation, sonic, etc.) - **9 ranks: **life support (includes immunity to disease, poison, all environmental conditions, and suffocation) - **10 ranks: **a common power descriptor (such as all effects with cold, electricity, fire, radiation, or weather descriptors, for example). - **20 ranks: **a very common power descriptor, all non-lethal physical damage, all lethal physical damage, all non-lethal energy damage, or all lethal energy damage. - **30 ranks: **Any effect calling for a particular saving throw--Fortitude, Reflex, or Will--regardless of descriptors. So for example at Immunity 11, you could have life support (9 ranks) plus Immunity to critical hits (2 more ranks), or life support plus Immunity to aging (1 rank) and a rare power descriptor (1 rank), or any other combination adding up to 11 ranks. =====Degrees Of Immunity===== Some Immunity effects are a matter of degree. For example, "immunity to cold" can range from the environmental effects of cold (described in M&M, pages 167-168) to cold damage, to complete immunity to all effects with the "cold" descriptor. The first requires only 1 rank, and provides no resistance to other sorts of cold effects. The second requires 5 ranks and only provides immunity to cold [[MMDamage Damage]] effects (even those with saving throws other than Toughness). The third requires 10 ranks and provides complete immunity to all effects with the "cold" descriptor--whether [[MMDamage Damage]], [[MMFatigue Fatigue]], [[MMParalyze Paralyze]], or what have you. =====Power Feats===== - **Selective: **This feat gives you the ability to "lower" your Immunity and allow harmless effects you|d normally save against automatically to work on you. If you have the Affects Others and Area modifiers (see this power|s Extras), you can use this feat to choose who benefits from your Immunity and who does not. =====Extras===== - **Affects Others (+1): **This extra allows you to grant the benefits of your Immunity to others by touch. It|s most commonly used with life support, such as for projected force fields or constructs able to maintain a safe environment. - **Area: **This extra is most commonly used in conjunction with Affects Others, allowing you to spread your Immunity among those in the affected area. For example, Area Immunity 9 (life support) Affects Others, provides normal life support in a 45-foot radius around you. - **Duration: **Sustained duration Immunity may be suitable for certain types of powers, particularly force fields or similar protective abilities requiring a modicum of concentration. It is a net +0 modifier from Immunity|s base permanent duration. - **Range: **Immunity that Affects Others may have this extra, allowing it to grant its benefits at normal or perception range. =====Flaws===== - **Limited (-1): **You suffer half the normal effect rather than being entirely immune to it. For environmental effects, you only make checks half as often. For other effects, halve the effect|srank before determining its saving throw DC. Alternately, if your immunity is to an effect causing lethal damage, it can cause non-lethal damage instead. [[MMPoderes]]