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||**Type:** Defense||**Action:** Reaction (passive)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Permanent||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You|re especially resistant to being moved by attacks. You gain a +4 bonus per rank against all attempts to push, rush, trip, or throw you, and reduce the distance you are knocked back by an attack, adding your Immovable rank to your knockback modifier (see Knockback, M&M, page 165).

Additionally, when you|re struck with a slam attack (see Slam, M&M, page 158), you suffer less damage, while your attacker suffers more! For each rank of Immovable, 1 point of damage bonus from the slam attack is shifted from you to your attacker, up to half the attack|s total damage bonus. So a +12 slam attack against a target with Immovable 8 shifts 6 points of damage (or half) back to the attacker; the target suffers +6 damage, while the attacker suffers +12! Slamming into an Immovable target can be worse than hitting a brick wall.

To gain the benefits of this effect, you cannot move more than your normal speed in a round. If you move at accelerated speed (two move actions), your Immovable rank is halved. If you move all out, you lose the benefit of Immovable for the round.


- **Unstoppable (+1): **Your speed has no effect on your immovability; you can move all out while retaining your full effect rank. You also subtract your Immovable rank from an opponent|s Immovable rank before determining its effect, including the damage from a slam attack, allowing you to slam Immovable opponents for more damage than usual. You cannot reduce an opponent|s effective Immovable rank below 0.


- **Action: **Changing the action to use Immovable can create an effect that requires some preparation: you have to "brace" yourself, at least initially. This makes Immovable somewhat less useful against surprise attacks or unexpected circumstances.

- **Duration: **Immovable|s duration cannot be changed; to change the effort it requires, change its required action instead.

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