Revision history for MMHeroPoints

Revision [1334]

Last edited on 2011-08-25 23:21:02 by GilbertoLeon
You can spend a hero point to recover faster. A hero point allows you to immediately shake off a [[MMCondiciones dazed, stunned or fatigued condition]].
You can spend a hero point to recover faster. A hero point allows you to immediately shake off a [[MMCondiciones stunned or fatigued condition]].

Revision [1332]

Edited on 2011-08-25 23:15:14 by GilbertoLeon
Once per game session, you can spend a hero point to get a sudden inspiration in the form of a hint, clue, or bit of help from the GM. It might be a way out of the villain|s fiendish deathtrap, a vital clue for solving a mystery, or an idea about the villain|s weakness. It|s up to the GM exactly how much help the players get from inspiration.
Gamemasters may even wish to expand the "inspiration" facet of hero points to allow players greater control over the environment of the game, effectively allowing them to "edit" a scene to grant their heroes an advantage. For example, a hero is fighting a villain with plant-based powers in a scientific lab. The player deduces the villain may be vulnerable to defoliants, so she asks the GM if there are any chemicals in the lab she can throw together to create a defoliant. The Gamemaster requires to player to spend a hero point and says the right chemicals are close at hand.
How much players are allowed to "edit" circumstances is up to the individual Gamemaster, but generally hero points should not be allowed to change any event that has already occurred or any detail already explained in-game. For example, players cannot "edit" away damage or the effects of [[MMPoderes powers]] (hero points already allow this to a limited degree). The GM may also veto uses of editing that ruin the adventure or make things too easy on the players. Inspiration is intended to give the players more input into the story and allow their heroes chances to succeed, but it shouldn|t be used as a replacement for planning and cleverness, just a way to enhance them.
Once per game session, you can spend a hero point to get a sudden inspiration
in the form of a hint, clue, or bit of help from the GM. It might
be a way out of the villain|s fiendish deathtrap, a vital clue for solving a
mystery, or an idea about the villain|s weakness. It|s up to the GM exactly
how much help the players get from inspiration.
Gamemasters may even wish to expand the "inspiration" facet of hero
points to allow players greater control over the environment of the game,
effectively allowing them to "edit" a scene to grant their heroes an advantage.
For example, a hero is fighting a villain with plant-based powers in
a scientific lab. The player deduces the villain may be vulnerable to defoliants,
so she asks the GM if there are any chemicals in the lab she can
throw together to create a defoliant. The Gamemaster requires to player
to spend a hero point and says the right chemicals are close at hand.
How much players are allowed to "edit" circumstances is up to the
individual Gamemaster, but generally hero points should not be allowed to
change any event that has already occurred or any detail already explained
in-game. For example, players cannot "edit" away damage or the effects of
powers (hero points already allow this to a limited degree). The GM may
also veto uses of editing that ruin the adventure or make things too easy on
the players. Inspiration is intended to give the players more input into the
story and allow their heroes chances to succeed, but it shouldn|t be used as
a replacement for planning and cleverness, just a way to enhance them.

Revision [1331]

Edited on 2011-08-25 23:13:17 by GilbertoLeon
Any time you would suffer [[MMCondiciones fatigue]] (including the effects of the [[MMFatigue Fatigue]] power and the use of extra effort), you can spend a hero point and reduce the amount of [[MMCondiciones fatigue]] by one level (so you suffer no [[MMCondiciones fatigue]] from a fatigued result, are [[MMCondiciones fatigued]] by an exhausted result, etc.).
If you are [[MMCondiciones exhausted]], spending a hero point causes you to become [[MMCondiciones fatigued]]. If you have suffered damage, a hero point allows you an immediate recovery check as a full-round action. It takes two rounds for a [[MMCondiciones staggered]] hero to make a recovery check, since you can only take a standard or move action each round while [[MMCondiciones staggered]]. This check is made normally, the hero point just allows you to make it in addition to your normal recovery checks. If the recovery check is successful, it turns out the damage wasn|t as serious as it first appeared, or your hero is able to shake it off.
While [[MMCondiciones disabled]], you can spend a hero point to take a strenuous action for one round without your condition worsening to [[MMCondiciones dying]]. If you spend a hero point on a normal recovery check for [[[MMCondiciones bruised or injured conditions]], a successful check eliminates all of that condition, rather than just one. The hero point does not improve the recovery check, only its effect.
=====Escape Death=====
Spending a hero point automatically stabilizes a [[MMCondiciones dying]] character (you or someone you are assisting), although this doesn|t protect the character from further damage.
Any time you would suffer fatigue (including the effects of the [[MMFatigue Fatigue]] power and the use of extra effort), you can spend a hero point and reduce the amount of fatigue by one level (so you suffer no fatigue from a fatigued result, are fatigued by an exhausted result, etc.).
If you are exhausted, spending a hero point causes you to become fatigued. If you have suffered damage, a hero point allows you an immediate recovery check as a full-round action (see Recovery, page 165). It takes two rounds for a staggered hero to make a recovery check, since you can only take a standard or move action each round while staggered. This check is made normally, the hero point just allows you to make it in addition to your normal recovery checks. If the recovery check is successful, it turns out the damage wasn|t as serious as it first appeared, or your hero is able to shake it off.
While disabled, you can spend a hero point to take a strenuous action for one round without your condition worsening to dying. If you spend a hero point on a normal recovery check for bruised or injured conditions, a successful check eliminates all of that condition, rather than just one. The hero point does not improve the recovery check, only its effect.
Spending a hero point automatically stabilizes a dying character (you or
someone you are assisting), although this doesn|t protect the character
from further damage.

Revision [1330]

Edited on 2011-08-25 23:09:20 by GilbertoLeon
You can spend a hero point to double your dodge bonus for one round. This includes any modifiers to your dodge bonus from [[MMFeats feats]], [[MMPoderes powers]], or combat actions (such as the total defense action). The improved dodge bonus lasts until the beginning of your next round. You can also spend a hero point whenever you are denied your dodge bonus, but still capable of action ([[MMCondiciones surprised, flat-footed, etc.]]). In this case, you retain your dodge bonus until your next action (this is the same as spending a hero point to perform the [[MMUncannyDodge Uncanny Dodge feat]]).
You can spend a hero point to attempt to counter a [[MMPoderes power]] used against you as a reaction. See Countering Powers for details.
You can spend a hero point to recover faster. A hero point allows you to immediately shake off a [[MMCondiciones stunned or fatigued condition]].
If you are exhausted, spending a hero point causes you to become fatigued. If you have suffered damage, a hero point allows you an immediate recovery check as a full-round action (see Recovery, page 165). It takes two rounds for a staggered hero to make a recovery check, since you can only take a standard or move action each round while staggered. This check is made normally, the hero point just allows you to make it in addition to your normal recovery checks. If the recovery check is successful, it turns out the damage wasn|t as serious as it first appeared, or your hero is able to shake it off.
While disabled, you can spend a hero point to take a strenuous action for one round without your condition worsening to dying. If you spend a hero point on a normal recovery check for bruised or injured conditions, a successful check eliminates all of that condition, rather than just one. The hero point does not improve the recovery check, only its effect.
You can spend a hero point to double your dodge bonus for one round. This includes any modifiers to your dodge bonus from [[MMFeats feats]], [[MMPowers powers]], or combat actions (such as the total defense action). The improved dodge bonus lasts until the beginning of your next round. You can also spend a hero point whenever you are denied your dodge bonus, but still capable of action ([[MMConditions surprised, flat-footed, etc.]]). In this case, you retain your dodge bonus until your next action (this is the same as spending a hero point to perform the [[MMUncannyDodge Uncanny Dodge feat]]).
You can spend a hero point to attempt to counter a [[MMPower power]] used against you as a reaction. See Countering Powers for details.
You can spend a hero point to recover faster. A hero point allows you to
immediately shake off a stunned or fatigued condition.
If you are exhausted, spending a hero point causes you to become
fatigued. If you have suffered damage, a hero point allows you an immediate
recovery check as a full-round action (see Recovery, page 165). It
takes two rounds for a staggered hero to make a recovery check, since you
can only take a standard or move action each round while staggered. This
check is made normally, the hero point just allows you to make it in addition
to your normal recovery checks. If the recovery check is successful, it
turns out the damage wasn|t as serious as it first appeared, or your hero is
able to shake it off.
While disabled, you can spend a hero point to take a strenuous action
for one round without your condition worsening to dying. If you spend a
hero point on a normal recovery check for bruised or injured conditions, a
successful check eliminates all of that condition, rather than just one. The
hero point does not improve the recovery check, only its effect.

Revision [224]

Edited on 2011-08-25 23:06:44 by GilbertoLeon
You can spend a hero point to recover faster. A hero point allows you to
immediately shake off a stunned or fatigued condition.
If you are exhausted, spending a hero point causes you to become
fatigued. If you have suffered damage, a hero point allows you an immediate
recovery check as a full-round action (see Recovery, page 165). It
takes two rounds for a staggered hero to make a recovery check, since you
can only take a standard or move action each round while staggered. This
check is made normally, the hero point just allows you to make it in addition
to your normal recovery checks. If the recovery check is successful, it
turns out the damage wasn|t as serious as it first appeared, or your hero is
able to shake it off.
While disabled, you can spend a hero point to take a strenuous action
for one round without your condition worsening to dying. If you spend a
hero point on a normal recovery check for bruised or injured conditions, a
successful check eliminates all of that condition, rather than just one. The
hero point does not improve the recovery check, only its effect.
You can spend a hero point to recover faster. A hero point allows you to immediately shake off a [[MMConditions stunned or fatigued condition]].
If you are exhausted, spending a hero point causes you to become fatigued. If you have suffered damage, a hero point allows you an immediate recovery check as a full-round action (see Recovery, page 165). It takes two rounds for a staggered hero to make a recovery check, since you can only take a standard or move action each round while staggered. This check is made normally, the hero point just allows you to make it in addition to your normal recovery checks. If the recovery check is successful, it turns out the damage wasn|t as serious as it first appeared, or your hero is able to shake it off.
While disabled, you can spend a hero point to take a strenuous action for one round without your condition worsening to dying. If you spend a hero point on a normal recovery check for bruised or injured conditions, a successful check eliminates all of that condition, rather than just one. The hero point does not improve the recovery check, only its effect.

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