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======Force Field======

||**Effect:** [[MMProtection Protection]]||**Action:** Free (active)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 point per rank||

You can surround yourself with a protective field of force. A Force Field gives you a bonus on Toughness saving throws equal to its rank. Since it is sustained, you can improve your Force Field using extra effort and use it for power stunts, however, it turns off if you are unable to maintain it, such as if you are stunned and fail a Concentration check.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Selective: **You can "tune" your Force Field to filter out some things while allowing others to pass through it, helpful for keeping out attacks while allowing a harmless effect through.


- **Affects Others: **This extra (as a +1 modifier) extends the benefits of your Force Field to one other person you are touching. The Progression power feat allows you to expand the number of people you can protect with your Force Field at once. As a general guideline, no more than eight can be in contact with you at the same time.

- **Duration: **A continuous duration Force Field does not collapse if you are unable to maintain it (due to being stunned, etc.). It remains on until nullified or you choose to turn it off.

- **Impervious (+1): **Your Force Field stops some damage cold. If an attack has a damage bonus less than your power rank, it inflicts no damage on you (you automatically succeed on the Toughness saving throw). Penetrating damage (see the [[MMDamage Damage]] effect) can overcome this modifier (see the [[MMExtras Penetrating]] extra description).

- **Range: **An Affects Others Force Field can have this extra in order to protect others at a distance.


- **Ablative (-1): **Damage chips away at your Force Field. Each time it provides its bonus, it loses 1 power point of effectiveness. When reduced to 0 power points, it turns off. This is the same as the Fades flaw. Your Force Field can|t recover lost effectiveness while it|s active, it must be turned off first.

- **Limited (-1): **Your Force Field applies to only one broad type of damage (physical or energy). If it applies to only one narrow type of damage (edged weapons, blunt weapons, electricity, fire, magic, etc.) it has a -3 modifier.

- **Permanent: **A Permanent Force Field can|t be turned off: it must either be Selective to permit you to eat and drink through the field (amongst other things) or you need Immunity (life support). A Permanent Force Field can pose other hindrances as well, as the GM sees fit.

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