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======Fake Expert (Skill, Ranked)======

You may have no idea what you|re doing, but other people don|t need to know that. Choose two skills upon gaining this feat. You can make a Bluff check instead of using the chosen skill to fool fate itself that you know what you|re doing. For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, the check seems to work as intended (if successful); you plug the leak in the cooling pipes, you get the malfunctioning spaceship moving again, or you activate the ancient relic that only descendants of Lord Badass can use. Even if you fail, if your check beat the Sense Motive check of any onlooker, they are convinced that you tried your best but the problem was out of your ability. You don|t actually achieve anything useful related to the skill you|re faking; the information you gain is not true, you only buy time to hopefully get out of the situation or for a real expert to solve the problem. Once the duration ends, the real situation reasserts itself, sometimes with calamitous consequences. This is more useful when applied to specialty and interaction skills. You cannot make a second fake expertise roll for the same task, whether you succeed or fail--reality is on to you. Each additional rank allows you to choose two other skills to affect.

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