Revision [1183]

This is an old revision of MMExpertise made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-09-05 17:34:33.


Expertise (Int, Specialty, Trained Only)

-Faltan Manipulation y Requires Tools que son de Craft-
Expertise is a broad skill encompassing knowledge and training in a variety of specialized fields, particularly professional disciplines and scholarship. Each is considered a separate skill and training in each is acquired separately, so a former police officer turned district attorney might have Expertise: Police Officer and Expertise: Law, each with their own ranks, for example.

If you are trained in an Expertise, you can practice and make a living at it. You know how to use the tools of that trade, perform the profession|s daily tasks, supervise untrained helpers, and handle common problems. For example, someone trained in Expertise: Sailor knows how to tie basic knots, tend and repair sails, and stand a deck watch at sea. The GM sets DCs for specific tasks using the following guidelines.

You can also make Expertise checks to see if your character knows the answer to a particular question related to the area of expertise, such as a scientist confronted with a technical issue, or a lawyer considering a legal question. The DC is 10 for easy questions, 15 for basic questions, and 20 or higher for difficult questions. You can usually answer questions as a routine check, and the GM may make a check for you in secret, so you won|t know whether or not your character|s skill is entirely up to the task.

Expertise covers all areas except those tasks specifically covered by other skills. So, for example, a police detective is going to be trained in Investigation (and probably Insight and Perception) in addition to Expertise: Police Officer, the same for an intrepid reporter with Expertise: Journalism. A scientist might be trained in Technology alongside Expertise: Science, a doctor needs training in Treatment along with Expertise: Physician, and a trial lawyer is going to want skill in Insight and Persuasion (and possibly Deception) along with the training in the law that comes with Expertise: Lawyer.

The ability modifier for Expertise is typically Intellect, but some areas of expertise may call for different abilities, perhaps depending on the task involved. For example, a technical expert might rely on Intellect to answer questions and handle day-to-day procedures, but need Dexterity to perform the actual functions of the job. Performance skills, such as acting or music, may rely on Presence. The GM sets the ability modifier as needed for the specific Expertise check.

Characters with expertise in a profession are also assumed to be licensed or certified to practice it, if necessary. Problems like licensing issues, professional rivalries, and so forth can be handled as complications (see Complications in the Secret Origins chapter).

The GM may allow some Expertise checks to be made untrained, especially for "unskilled" areas, measuring broad general knowledge and life experience, but even then an untrained Expertise check cannot be routine, and the character can only handle easy or basic tasks or questions (DC 10-15).

Craft (Int, Manipulation, Specialty, Trained Only, Requires Tools)
Try Again: Yes, although in some cases the GM may decide a failed attempt to repair or jury-rig an item has a negative effect, preventing further attempts.
Action: The time to make something varies according on its complexity. The Gamemaster may increase or decrease the time for a particular Craft project as necessary. You can cut the time for making or repairing an item in half by taking a -5 penalty.
Special: You can take 10 when using a Craft skill, but can|t take 20 since doing so represents multiple attempts, and you use up raw materials with each attempt. You can take 10 or 20 on repair checks.
If you don|t have the proper tools, you take a -4 penalty on Craft checks.

Profession (Wis, Specialty, Trained Only)
Check: You can practice a profession and make a living at it. You know how to use the tools of the trade, perform the profession|s daily tasks, supervise untrained helpers, and handle common problems. For example, a sailor knows how to tie basic knots, tend and repair sails, and stand a deck watch at sea. The GM sets DCs for job-related tasks.
Action: A Profession check usually requires a minute or more, depending on the task.
Special: Every 5 full points of bonus in Profession give you a +1 bonus to Wealth (see page 132).

Knowledge (Int, Specialty, Trained Only)
Try Again: No. The check represents what a character knows, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn|t let you know something you didn|t know before. The GM may allow another Knowledge check if a character gets access to a better source of information. For example, a hero who doesn|t know the answer to a particular question off-hand might get another check with access to a library or online database (and could take 10 or take 20 on that check, depending on the circumstances).
Action: A Knowledge check can be a reaction, but otherwise requires a full-round action. Taking 20 on a Knowledge check requires at least an hour, longer if the GM decides the information you|re looking for is particularly obscure or otherwise restricted.
Special: An untrained Knowledge check is simply an Intelligence check. Without actual training, a character can only answer easy or basic questions about a topic.
You can take 10 when making a Knowledge check. You can take 20 only if you have access to research materials (such as a library or online database) that allow you to keep looking for the answer.

Perform (Cha, Specialty, Trained Only)
Try Again: Not for the same performance and audience.
Action: A Perform check usually requires at least several minutes to an hour or more.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Perform check, but can|t take 20. Perform skills requiring musical instruments are manipulation skills. If you don|t have an appropriate instrument you automatically fail any Perform check requiring it. At the GM|s discretion, impromptu instruments may be employed, but you take a -4 penalty on the check.

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