Wiki source for MMExorcism

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||**Effect:** [[MMNullify Nullify]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Perception||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** See description||**Cost:** 2 points per rank||

You can banish certain summoned creatures back where they came from and end certain mental influences by creatures opposed to your allegiance; typically this is the ability of good allied characters to banish evil creatures and influences, but it can just as easily work the other way or involve any other opposed set of descriptors (law versus chaos, for example).

Make an opposed check between the targeted power and your Exorcism rank. If you win, the targeted power is countered and switched off, although the user of the power may reactivate it normally. Used against summoned creatures, Exorcism deactivates the Summon effect, causing the creatures to disappear back to whence they came. Used against mental effects like [[MMEMotionControl Emotion Control]] or [[MMMindControl Mind Control]], Exorcism ends the effect, restoring the subject|s normal state of mind. If you lose the opposed check, attempting to exorcise the same subject again in the same scene or encounter requires extra effort.


- **Duration: **If your Exorcism duration is increased above instant, any countered effect cannot be reactivated while the Exorcism is maintained; so creatures cannot be re-summoned, mental effects reestablished, and so forth. The user of a countered effect may use extra effort to gain another opposed check against you. If successful, the countered effect may be reactivated.

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