Revision [1079]

This is an old revision of MMEquipmentList made by GilbertoLeon on 2010-08-21 17:02:28.



Melee weapons

Simple weapons

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost Wealth Rating
Brass knuckles +1 20 Bludgeoning -- Tiny 2
Club +2 20 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Med 4
Knife +1 19-20 Piercing 10 ft. Tiny 4 6
Pepper spray Dazzle + Stun 5 -- Chemical -- Tiny 15 --
Quarterstaff +2 20 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Large 4
Sap +2 20 Bludgeoning -- Small 3
Stun gun Stun 7 -- Electricity -- Tiny 14
Tonfa +1 20 Bludgeoning -- Med 2

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 1** [Brass knuckles] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 2 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** [Club] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty, Thrown; 4 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 1** [Knife] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical [19-20], Mighty, Thrown; 4 ep)

**[[MMDazzle Dazzle]] 5** and **[[MMStun Stun]] 5** [Pepper spray] (15 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** [Quarterstaff] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty, Thrown [10 ft.]; 4 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** [Sap] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 3 ep)

**[[MMStun Stun]] 7** [Stun gun] (14 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 1** [Tonfa] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 2 ep)

Archaic weapons

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost Wealth Rating
Battleaxe +3 20 Slashing -- Med 4
Sword +3 19-20 Slashing -- Med 5
Spear +3 19-20 Piercing 20 ft. Large 7
Warhammer +3 20 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Med 5

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 3** [Battleaxe] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 4 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 3** [Sword] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical [19-20], Mighty; 5 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 3** [Spear] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical [19-20], Mighty, Thrown 2 [20 ft.]; 7 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 3** [Warhammer] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty, Thrown [10 ft.]; 5 ep)

Exotic weapons

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost Wealth Rating
Chain +2 20 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Large 7
Chainsaw +6 20 Slashing -- Large 6 --
Flamethrower +6 -- Fire -- Large 13 --
Nunchaku +2 20 Bludgeoning -- Small 3
Whip +0 20 Bludgeoning 15 ft. Small 5

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** [Chain] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Extended Reach [10 ft.], Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mighty, Thrown [10 ft.]; 7 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 6** [Chainsaw] (6 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 6** [Flamethrower] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [Line; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Progression [Makes Line area 5 ft. wide and 25 ft. long]; 13 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** [Nunchaku] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 3 ep)

**[[MMStrike Strike]] 0** [Whip] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Extended Reach 2 [15 ft.], Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Mighty; 5 ep)

Ranged weapons

Projectile weapons (Firearms)

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost
Hold-out pistol +2 20 Ballistic 20 ft. Tiny 4
Light pistol +3 20 Ballistic 30 ft. Small 6
Heavy pistol +4 20 Ballistic 40 ft. Medium 8
Machine pistol +3 20 Ballistic, Autofire 30 ft. Medium 9
Submachine gun +4 20 Ballistic, Autofire 40 ft. Medium 12
Shotgun +5/+6* 20 Ballistic 50 ft./60 ft. Large 13
Assault rifle +5 20 Ballistic, Autofire 50 ft. Large 17
Sniper rifle +5 19-20 Ballistic 250 ft. Large 13

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 2** [Hold-out pistol] (4 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** [Light pistol] (6 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 4** [Heavy pistol] (8 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** [Machine pistol] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Autofire [+1]; 9 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 4** [Submachine gun] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Autofire [+1]; 12 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** [Shotgun] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Autofire [+1]; 13 ep)

//Shotgun// (13 ep)
**[[MMArray Array]] 6** (12 ep)
//Base Power:// **[[MMBlast Blast]] 6**
//AP:// **[[MMBlast Blast]] 5 ([[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Limited 2 (not against ranks any increase over natural Toughness of the target); [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Accurate;1 pp)**

//Assault rifle// (17 ep)
**[[MMArray Array]] 8** (16 ep)
//Base Power:// **[[MMBlast Blast]] 5** ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Autofire [+1])
//AP:// **[[MMBlast Blast]] 5 (1 pp)**

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 5** [Sniper rifle] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical [19-20], Improved Range 2 [50 ft.]; 13 ep)

Energy weapons (Firearms)

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost
Blaster pistol +5 20 Energy 50 ft. Small 10
Blaster rifle +8 20 Energy 80 ft. Large 16

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 5** [Blaster pistol] (10 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 8** [Blaster rifle] (16 ep)

Heavy weapons (Exotic)

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost
Grenade launcher +5 -- Explosive 50 ft. Large 15
Rocket launcher +10 -- Explosive 100 ft. Large 30

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 5** [Grenade launcher] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Explosion; +1]; 15 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Rocket launcher] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Explosion; +1]; 30 ep)

Other ranged weapons

Weapon Damage bonus Critical Damage descriptor Range increment Size Equipment Cost Wealth Rating
Bow, long +3* 20 Piercing 75 ft. Large 9 9
Sling +1* 20 Bludgeoning 25 ft. Small 6 1

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 3** [Bow, long] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Range [25 ft.], Mighty 5; 9 ep)

**[[MMBlast Blast]] 1** [Sling] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Range [25 ft.], Mighty 4; 6 ep)


Modern armor

Armor Toughness bonus Other traits Equipment Cost
Leather jacket +1 -- 1
Undercover shirt +2 Subtle 3
Undercover vest +3 Subtle 4
Tactical vest +4 -- 4
Armored jumpsuit +3 -- 3

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 1** [Leather jacket] (1 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 2** [Undercover shirt] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Subtle; 3 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 3** [Undercover vest] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Subtle; 4 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Tactical vest] (4 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 3** [Armored jumpsuit] (3 ep)

Archaic armor

Armor Toughness bonus Equipment Cost Wealth Rating
Leather +1 1 7
Studded leather +2 2 8
Hide +2 2 7
Scale mail +3 3 10
Chain-mail +3 3 10
Breastplate +4 4 11
Splint mail +4 4 10
Banded mail +4 4 10
Plate-mail +5 5 12
Full plate +6 6 13

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 1** [Leather] (1 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 2** [Studded leather] (2 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 2** [Hide] (2 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 3** [Chain-mail] (3 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Breastplate] (4 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Splint mail] (4 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 4** [Banded mail] (4 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 3** [Scale mail] (3 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 5** [Plate-mail] (5 ep)

**[[MMProtection Protection]] 6** [Full plate] (6 ep)


Shield Dodge Bonus Deflect Equipment Cost Wealth Rating
Small +1 +1 on block rolls 2 6
Medium +2 +2 on block rolls 4 7
Large +3 +4 on block rolls 7 9
Wooden or Metal -- Slow projectiles -- +0/+1
Composite -- Fast projectiles +1/+2/+4 --

//Small Composite/Metal/Wooden Shield// (2/3 ep)
**[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 1**(Slow/Fast projectiles)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 1**

//Medium Composite/Metal/Wooden Shield// (4/6 ep)
**[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 2**(Slow/Fast projectiles)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 2**

//Large Composite/Metal/Wooden Shield// (7/11 ep)
**[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 4**(Slow/Fast projectiles)
**[[MMShield Shield]] 3**
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