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======Energy Aura======

||**Effect:** [[MMDamage Damage]], [[MMExtras Aura]]||**Action:** Free (active)||
||**Range:** Touch||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** Toughness||**Cost:** 4 points per rank||

You can surround your body with an aura of energy that inflicts damage on anyone coming into contact with you, with a damage bonus equal to your power rank. Define the type of energy your Energy Aura uses when you acquire this power.

=====Power Feats=====

-**Affects Insubstantial: **The energy of your aura affects insubstantial targets at half its normal power rank. If you apply two ranks of this feat, it works at its full rank on insubstantial targets.

-**Extended Reach: **This power feat does not apply to Energy Aura, to extend your Aura|s "reach," apply the Area extra instead (see Extras, following).

-**Incurable: **Damage inflicted by your Energy Aura cannot be healed by Healing or Regeneration effects unless they are Persistent, suitable for Aura descriptors like radiation or necromantic energies.

-**Reversible: **You can remove any damage inflicted by your Energy Aura at will as a free action.

-**Selective: **You can contract your Energy Aura to cover only parts of your body, allowing you to uncover your hands to handle things safely while keeping the rest of you covered, for example. If your Energy Aura is permanent or has the Area extra, you cannot have this power feat. Area Energy Auras should apply the Selective Attack extra instead (see Extras, following).

-**Triggered: **Your Energy Aura activates automatically in response to a certain circumstance or event. After it has done so once, its trigger must be reset (see the Triggered power feat description for details). If your Aura can activate automatically an unlimited number of times, apply the Action extra instead (making using it a reaction to something).


-**Affects Corporeal: **This extra allows an incorporeal being to have an Energy Aura that affects corporeal targets.

-**Area: **Your Energy Aura affects an area around you, typically a Burst or Trail. Anyone in the area is automatically affected by your Aura. Since extras are always in effect, an Area Energy Aura always covers a given area, unless you choose to lower its effective rank. You can also acquire an Area version of your Energy Aura as an Alternate Power, letting you "flare" the Aura out a greater distance at some loss of effect (since the Area version will have a lower rank, being bought with the same number of power points). This is a useful power stunt for a regular Energy Aura as well.

-**Selective Attack: **If you have an Area Energy Aura, this extra allows you to choose who in the area is and is not affected by it.


-**Permanent: **Your Energy Aura is always in effect and cannot be turned off. This create problems in touching and handling certain materials and pretty much puts an end to your social life, except for people Immune to your energy type.

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