Revision [257]

This is an old revision of MMESP made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-11-13 19:48:31.



Type: Sensory Action: Move (active)
Range: Extended Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1-4 points per rank

You can displace one or more of your senses over a distance, perceiving as if you were at that location, up to 10 feet away. Each additional rank increases your range, as shown on the Extended Range Table. ESP overrides your normal sense(s) while you are using it. Subjects observed via ESP can sense it with a Notice check (DC 10 + rank).

You can make Notice and Search checks normally using your displaced senses. To search a large area for someone or something, use the extended search guidelines given in the description of the Search skill (see Search, M&M, page 53).

ESP costs 1 point per rank for one sense type, 2 points per rank for two sense types, 3 points per rank for three, and 4 points per rank for all of your senses. Visual senses count as two sense types (so visual ESP is 2 points per rank). You can use perception range sensory effects via ESP if your ESP applies to their sense type and an accurate sense (usually sight). Sensory effects targeted on the spot where you have displaced your senses affect you normally.

Power Feats




Associated Effects

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