Wiki source for MMDisintegration

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||**Effect:** [[MMDamage Damage]], [[MMDrain Drain]], [[MMExtras Affects Objects]]||**Action:** Standard (active)||
||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Instant||
||**Saving Throw:** Fortitude/Toughness||**Cost:** 5 points per rank||

You can project an attack weakening and destroying the structure of objects. Make a ranged attack roll to hit your target. If successful, the target makes a Fortitude saving throw or loses Toughness equal to the amount by which the save failed; objects (and targets without a Constitution score) automatically fail this save and lose Toughness equal to the power|s rank. Toughness may be reduced as low as -5 (-10 for objects). The target then makes a Toughness save (at the reduced score) against damage equal to your power rank. If the save fails by 20 or more, the target is atomized, leaving nothing behind. Damage and reductions in an object|s Toughness are permanent until repaired. Targets with Con 1 or more regain 1 point of Toughness per round and recover from the damage normally.

=====Power Feats=====

- **Reversible: **You can instantly and completely restore a target you have disintegrated as a free action.

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