Disguise (Cha, Manipulation, Requires Tools)

You can use makeup, costumes, and other props to change your appearance.

Check: Your check result determines the effectiveness of the disguise. It is opposed by others| Notice check results. Make one Disguise check even if several people make Notice checks. The GM makes the Disguise check secretly so you are not sure how well your disguise will hold up under scrutiny.

If you don|t draw any attention to yourself, others don|t get to make Notice checks. If you come to the attention of people who are suspicious, they get to make a Notice check. (The GM can assume suspicious observers take 10 on their Notice checks if they have time to observe you.) The effectiveness of your disguise depends in part on how much you attempt to change your appearance.

Minor details only+5
Appropriate uniform or costume+2
Disguised as different sex-2
Disguised as a different race-2
Disguised as different age category-2

If you are impersonating a particular individual, those who know the subject automatically get to make Notice checks. Furthermore, they get a bonus on the check.

Recognizes on sight+4
Friend or associate+6
Close friend+8

Usually, an individual makes a Notice check to detect a disguise immediately upon meeting you and each hour thereafter. If you casually meet many different people, each for a short time, the GM checks once per day or hour, using an average Notice modifier for the group (assuming they take 10).

Successfully acting like who you appear to be may require a Bluff or Expertise (acting) check with a DC equal to the observer|s Sense Motive check, modified by familiarity if the observer knows the subject well.

Try Again: No, though you can assume the same disguise again at a later time. If others saw through the previous disguise, they are automatically treated as suspicious if you assume the same disguise again.
Action: A Disguise check requires at least 10 minutes of preparation. The GM makes Notice checks for those who encounter you immediately upon meeting you and again each hour or day thereafter, depending on circumstances.
Special: You can take 10 or take 20 when assuming a disguise. If you don|t have a disguise kit you take a -4 penalty on Disguise checks. You can help someone else create a disguise, treating it as an aid attempt (see page 154).

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