======Disguise (Cha, Manipulation, Requires Tools)====== You can use makeup, costumes, and other props to change your appearance. **Check:** Your check result determines the effectiveness of the disguise. It is opposed by others| [[MMNotice Notice]] check results. Make one Disguise check even if several people make [[MMNotice Notice]] checks. The GM makes the Disguise check secretly so you are not sure how well your disguise will hold up under scrutiny. If you don|t draw any attention to yourself, others don|t get to make [[MMNotice Notice]] checks. If you come to the attention of people who are suspicious, they get to make a [[MMNotice Notice]] check. (The GM can assume suspicious observers take 10 on their [[MMNotice Notice]] checks if they have time to observe you.) The effectiveness of your disguise depends in part on how much you attempt to change your appearance. ||**Disguise**||**Modifier**|| ||Minor details only||+5|| ||Appropriate uniform or costume||+2|| ||Disguised as different sex||-2|| ||Disguised as a different race||-2|| ||Disguised as different age category||-2|| If you are impersonating a particular individual, those who know the subject automatically get to make Notice checks. Furthermore, they get a bonus on the check. ||**Familiarity**||**Bonus**|| ||Recognizes on sight||+4|| ||Friend or associate||+6|| ||Close friend||+8|| ||Intimate||+10|| Usually, an individual makes a [[MMNotice Notice]] check to detect a disguise immediately upon meeting you and each hour thereafter. If you casually meet many different people, each for a short time, the GM checks once per day or hour, using an average [[MMNotice Notice]] modifier for the group (assuming they take 10). Successfully acting like who you appear to be may require a [[MMBluff Bluff]] or [[MMExpertise Expertise (acting)]] check with a DC equal to the observer|s [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] check, modified by familiarity if the observer knows the subject well. **Try Again:** No, though you can assume the same disguise again at a later time. If others saw through the previous disguise, they are automatically treated as suspicious if you assume the same disguise again. **Action:** A Disguise check requires at least 10 minutes of preparation. The GM makes [[MMNotice Notice]] checks for those who encounter you immediately upon meeting you and again each hour or day thereafter, depending on circumstances. **Special:** You can take 10 or take 20 when assuming a disguise. If you don|t have a disguise kit you take a -4 penalty on Disguise checks. You can help someone else create a disguise, treating it as an aid attempt (see page 154). [[MMSkills]]