Disable Device (Int, Manipulation, Trained Only, Requires Tools)

You can disarm or sabotage various devices, both mechanical and electronic.

Check: The GM makes Disable Device checks secretly so you don|t necessarily know if you have succeeded.

Lock Type (Examples)DC
Cheap (briefcase lock)20
Average (home deadbolt)25
High quality (business deadbolt)30
High security (branch bank vault)40
Ultra-high security (bank headquarters vault)50

When disabling a monitored device, you can prevent your tampering from being noticed. Doing so requires 10 minutes and an electronics tool kit, and increases the DC by +10.

Device Type (Examples)DC
Cheap (home door alarm)20
Average (store security camera)25
High quality (art museum motion detector)30
High security (bank vault alarm)35
Ultra-high security (motion detector at Area 51)40

When you sabotage simple devices, you can rig them to work normally for a while and then fail some time later, if you choose.

Try Again: Yes, though you must be aware you have failed in order to try again.
Action: Disabling a simple device is a full-round action. Intricate or complex devices require multiple rounds. Reducing a multi-round task to one round increases the DC by +20.
Special: You can take 10 when making a Disable Device check. You can take 20 to open a lock or disable a security device, unless you are trying to prevent your tampering from being noticed.

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