
Type: DefenseAction: Standard (active)
Range: TouchDuration: Instant
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 1-3 points per rank

You can block ranged attacks as well as melee attacks. This is like a melee block (see Block, M&M, page 155) using your Deflect rank in place of your normal attack bonus. You can attempt to deflect any number of attacks in a round, but each attempt after the first imposes a cumulative -2 modifier on the block roll. If you take a full-round action to block, you take no penalty for deflecting multiple attacks. Once you fail a block roll you cannot deflect again until your next turn.

Deflect rank is limited to the same value as your defense bonus by the campaign|s power level limits and your trade-offs (see Power Level, M&M, page 24, for details). So if your Defense bonus limit is +12, for example, then you cannot have more than 12 ranks of Deflect.

Attack Types

The types of attacks you can deflect determine the effect|s cost per rank. For 1 point per rank you can choose one of the following: slow projectiles (including thrown weapons and arrows), fast projectiles (like bullets), and energy attacks (like lasers and lightning bolts). For 2 points per rank, you can deflect any two. For 3 points per rank, you can deflect all ranged attacks. Deflect does not work against attacks that do not require an attack roll, such as perception range and area attacks. See the Nullify effect for a means of blocking such things.

Melee Block

You can use any level of deflect in place of your normal melee block if your Deflect rank exceeds your normal melee attack bonus. Otherwise, there|s little reason to do so unless you have Deflect extras that make it more useful than your normal melee block.

Catching Weapons

By taking a -5 penalty on your block roll you can catch an incoming physical weapon, including a projectile, when you successfully deflect it. You can wield a caught throwing weapon normally, up to and including throwing it back at your attacker with the normal required attack action.

Power Feats



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