Darkness Control
Effect: Array (Obscure) | Action: Standard (active) |
Range: Ranged | Duration: Sustained |
Saving Throw: None | Cost: 2 points per rank |
You can blanket an area in darkness, creating total Visual Concealment in a 5-foot radius at rank 1 (see the Concealment effect description in Chapter 2). Each additional rank moves the radius one step up the Progression Table.
Darkness Control is the obvious power to counter light effects, including things like lasers. Likewise, Light effects, including Environmental Control (illumination), can counter Darkness Control.
Alternate Powers
- Animate Shadows: You can bring shadows to life to do your bidding, a Summon effect at your Darkness Control power rank.
- Blind: A beam of darkness can temporarily blind a target, a Visual Dazzle effect at your power rank.
- Dark Blast: You can project darkness as a physical force, a Ranged Damage effect at your power rank.
- Energy Drain: Your darkness can absorb energy, giving you a Drain effect at your Darkness Control power rank, usable against any radiant energy source: heat, light, radiation, and so forth.
- Life Drain: Your darkness can actually diminish the "light" (life force) within living creatures, draining away their very life force as a Ranged Drain Constitution effect at your Darkness Control power rank.
- Shadow Bind: Bands of solidified shadow entrap your target, a Snare effect at your power rank.
- Shadow Objects: You form objects out of solidified shadow, a Create Object effect at your power rank.
- Shadow Scry: You can see and hear into places touched by shadows, "scrying" from one shadow to another like a Visual and Auditory ESP effect at your power rank.
- Shadow Strike: Forming weapons out of darkness, you can strike for Damage equal to your power rank in melee combat.
- Shadow Walk: You can step into one shadow, emerging from another some distance away like a use of the Transmit power with shadows as the medium.
Associated Effects
- Shadow Shield: Shadows cloak you in a protective Force Field of darkness.
- Super-Senses: Darkvision is a natural Super-Sense for a darkness controller, as is low-light vision. Other Super-Senses may include things like sonar or tremorsense for navigating in the dark.