======Darkness Control====== ||**Effect:** [[MMArray Array]] ([[MMObscure Obscure]])||**Action:** Standard (active)|| ||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Sustained|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 2 points per rank|| You can blanket an area in darkness, creating total [[MMConcealment Visual Concealment]] in a 5-foot radius at rank 1 (see the [[MMConcealment Concealment]] effect description in Chapter 2). Each additional rank moves the radius one step up the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]]. =====Countering===== Darkness Control is the obvious power to counter light effects, including things like lasers. Likewise, Light effects, including [[MMEnvironmentalControl Environmental Control (illumination)]], can counter Darkness Control. =====Alternate Powers===== - **Animate Shadows: **You can bring shadows to life to do your bidding, a [[MMSummonMinion Summon]] effect at your Darkness Control power rank. - **Blind: **A beam of darkness can temporarily blind a target, a [[MMDazzle Visual Dazzle]] effect at your power rank. - **Dark [[MMBlast Blast]]: **You can project darkness as a physical force, a [[MMDamage Ranged Damage]] effect at your power rank. - **Energy [[MMDrain Drain]]: **Your darkness can absorb energy, giving you a [[MMDrain Drain]] effect at your Darkness Control power rank, usable against any radiant energy source: heat, light, radiation, and so forth. - **Life [[MMDrain Drain]]: **Your darkness can actually diminish the "light" (life force) within living creatures, draining away their very life force as a [[MMDrain Ranged Drain Constitution]] effect at your Darkness Control power rank. - **Shadow Bind: **Bands of solidified shadow entrap your target, a [[MMSnare Snare]] effect at your power rank. - **Shadow Objects: **You form objects out of solidified shadow, a [[MMCreateObject Create Object]] effect at your power rank. - **Shadow Scry: **You can see and hear into places touched by shadows, "scrying" from one shadow to another like a [[MMESP Visual and Auditory ESP]] effect at your power rank. - **Shadow [[MMStrike Strike]]: **Forming weapons out of darkness, you can strike for [[MMDamage Damage]] equal to your power rank in melee combat. - **Shadow Walk: **You can step into one shadow, emerging from another some distance away like a use of the [[MMTransmit Transmit]] power with shadows as the medium. =====Associated Effects===== - **Shadow Shield: **Shadows cloak you in a protective [[MMForceField Force Field]] of darkness. - **[[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]]: **[[MMSuperSenses Darkvision]] is a natural [[MMSuperSenses Super-Sense]] for a darkness controller, as is [[MMSuperSenses low-light vision]]. Other [[MMSuperSenses Super-Senses]] may include things like [[MMSuperSenses sonar]] or [[MMSuperSenses tremorsense]] for navigating in the dark. [[MMPoderes]]