======Create Object====== ||**Type:** General||**Action:** Standard (active)|| ||**Range:** Ranged||**Duration:** Sustained|| ||**Saving Throw:** See description||**Cost:** 2 points per rank|| You can form solid objects essentially out of nowhere. They may be made of solidified energy, "hard" water or air, transmuted bulk matter, ice, stone, or something else entirely, depending on the effect|s descriptors. You can form any simple geometric shape or common object (such as a cube, sphere, dome, hammer, lens, disk, etc.). The GM has final say on whether or not a particular object is too complex for this effect. Generally, your objects can|t have any moving parts more complex than a hinge. They can be solid or hollow, opaque or transparent, as you choose when you use the effect. You can create an object up to one 5-foot cube in size per power rank with Toughness up to your power rank. Created objects can be damaged or broken like ordinary objects (see Damaging Objects, M&M, page 166). They also vanish if you stop maintaining them. You can repair any damage to a created object at will by using your effect again (essentially "re-creating" the object). ====Created Objects, Cover, And Concealment==== A created object can provide cover or concealment (if the object is opaque) just like a normal object. Cover provided by a created object can block incoming attacks, but blocks outgoing attacks as well. Attacks hitting the covering object damage it normally. Indirect effects can bypass the cover a created object provides just like any other cover (see the Indirect power feat description). Selective Create Object allows you to vary the cover and concealment your objects provide. ====Trapping With Objects==== You can trap a target inside a large enough hollow object (a cage or bubble, for example). The target gets a Reflex saving throw to avoid being trapped. A trapped character can break out of the object normally. Limiting the target|s mobility in addition to trapping them requires a [[MMSnare Snare]] effect rather than Create Object (see [[MMSnare Snare]] in this chapter). You may wish to place a [[MMSnare Snare]] in an [[MMArray Array]] with Create Object (see [[MMArray Array]] in this chapter). ====Dropping Objects==== Dropping a created object on a target is treated like an Area Attack based on the object|s size (see Area Attack, M&M, page 159). The object inflicts damage equal to its Toughness, and targets get a Reflex saving throw to evade the falling object. A successful save results in no damage (rather than the usual half damage). While a created object can potentially be wielded as an improvised weapon, the Create Objects effect cannot otherwise create attacks or other effects; you must acquire these separately (as Linked effects or Alternate Powers in an [[MMArray Array]], for example). ====Supporting Weight==== If a created object needs to support weight--created as a bridge or support a weakened structure, for example--treat the object|s effective heavy load strength as (Create Object rank x 5). So a rank 8 object can support 3 tons, the same as Strength 40 (or 8 x 5). More than a heavy load causes the object to collapse. You can "shore up" a created object by taking a full-round action and concentrating, allowing it to support twice its normal heavy load for one round. You can also use extra effort to double a created object|s maximum support for one round, and these modifiers are cumulative. =====Power Feats===== -**Affects Insubstantial: **Created Objects with this power feat are also solid to insubstantial beings; half their normal Toughness for one rank, full normal Toughness for two. This allows a created object to block or entrap an incorporeal character, for example. -**Innate: **Create Object with this feat makes objects that cannot be nullified, they|re essentially "real" objects for all intents and purposes (although the user can "unmake" them at will unless the effect is permanent). -**Precise: **You can create more precise and detailed objects. The exact parameters of Precise Create Object are up to the GM, but generally, you can create objects with moving parts, and considerable detail. A Craft skill check may be required in some cases to create an object properly, but this feat grants a +4 bonus on the check. -**Progression: **Each time you apply this power feat, the base size of your objects per power rank increases one step on the [[MMProgresion Progression Table]] (10-foot cube per rank, then 25-feet, etc). Other attributes based on rank (such as Toughness and save DC) do not change. -**Selective: **This feat allows you to make your created objects selectively "transparent" to attacks, blocking some while allowing others (yours and your allies|, for example) to pass through them harmlessly. You can also selectively make your objects solid to some creatures and incorporeal to others, such as allowing one person to walk through a created wall, while blocking another. It takes a free action to change the selective nature of an object; permanent created objects cannot have their selectivity changed once they are created. -**Stationary: **Your created objects can hang immobile in the air. They resist being moved with a Strength bonus equal to your power rank. Unless you have the Tether feat or the Movable extra, you cannot move a stationary created object once it|s placed any more than anyone else can. -**Subtle: **The Subtle feat either makes created objects not noticeable as such for 1 rank (they look just like real objects) or not noticeable at all for 2 ranks (such as objects composed of invisible force). -**Tether: **Your created objects can move along with you at your normal movement speed, maintaining their position relative to yours. =====Extras===== -**Area: **The size and area of created objects is improved by power rank and the Progression feat. This extra therefore does not apply to Create Object. -**Duration: **Continuous Create Object makes objects that remain until they are destroyed, nullified, or you choose to dismiss them. -**Impervious: **Applied to Create Object, this extra makes the objects| Toughness Impervious. As with [[MMProtection Protection]] and related effects, the GM may choose to limit Impervious Toughness to no greater than the campaign|s power level. -**Movable: **You can move your created objects around with a [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] effect at your Create Object rank (see [[MMMoveObject Move Object]] in this chapter for details). =====Flaws===== -**Feedback: **You may suffer damage when your created objects are damaged (see Feedback flaw description for details). -**Permanent: **Permanent created objects last until destroyed or nullified. Unlike continuous Create Object, you cannot choose to dismiss such objects; they are truly permanent. You cannot repair permanent created objects or otherwise alter then once they|re created. [[MMPoderes]]