
Type: SensoryAction: Free (active)
Range: PersonalDuration: Sustained
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 2 points per rank

Using this effect, you gain total concealment from a particular sense--usually sight or hearing--although you are still detectable to other senses (even other senses of the same sense type). Each additional rank gives you concealment from another sense; two ranks give you concealment for an entire sense type.

Concealment from visual senses costs double (2 ranks for one visual sense, 4 ranks for all visual senses). You cannot have concealment from tactile senses, since that requires being incorporeal (see Insubstantial). So at rank 5, you can have total concealment from all visual senses (4 ranks) and normal hearing (1 rank), for example. At rank 10 Concealment you have total concealment from all sense types other than tactile.

While concealed, you can make surprise attacks against targets unaware of your presence (see Surprise Attacks, M&M, page 163). Attackers have a 50% miss chance against you (a roll of 11 or better on d20), assuming they know where to attack at all! Attackers able to perceive you with an accurate sense suffer no penalties, and combat is resolved normally.

Someone can sense the presence of a concealed character within three Notice range increments with an acute sense (see Super-Senses for details) and a DC 20 Notice check, such as using hearing to detect a character concealed from sight. The observer gains a hunch that "something|s there" but can|t accurately perceive it (suffering the normal miss chance, for example). A concealed character holding still is harder to notice (DC 30). A concealed inanimate object or completely immobile creature is very hard to notice at close range (DC 40). It|s practically impossible (+20 DC) to accurately pinpoint a concealed character|s location using an acute sense.

Power Feats



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