Revision [178]

This is an old revision of MMCommunication made by GilbertoLeon on 2009-09-02 00:16:25.



Type: Sensory Action: Free (active)
Range: Extended Duration: Sustained
Saving Throw: None Cost: 1 points per rank

You can communicate over a distance using a medium other than your normal voice. Choose a sense type as the medium for your communication (see the list of examples).

The following are some types of communication associated with particular sense types. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and the Gamemaster is free to allow other sorts of Communication, as best suits the character and the setting.

Base range for Communication is 10 feet at rank 1. Each additional rank increases range as shown on the Extended Range Table. Communication is instantaneous with any subject within your range.

The recipient of your communication must be within range and have a means of receiving your transmission (super-sense, or a receiver of some sort; a score of 1 or more in all mental abilities is all that|s needed to "receive" Mental Communication). You can receive Communication of the same medium as your own. Receivers can choose to ignore your Communication, if they wish. Communication is language-dependent; you and the subject must share a common language (see Comprehend to communicate across language barriers). Your Communication is point-to-point (sent to a single receiver within your range).

Activating your Communication effect is a free action. Communicating, however, takes the normal amount of time. You can apply the Rapid power feat to speed things up, provided your recipient is capable of receiving communication at that speed. Others with an acute sense able to detect your Communication medium can "tap into" your transmissions with a Notice check (DC 15 + your Communication rank). The eavesdropper must be within normal sensory range of you or the receiver. Your Communication can be blocked or "jammed" by sensory effects such as Dazzle or Obscure affecting your transmission medium.

Power Feats



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