======Communication====== ||**Type:** Sensory||**Action:** Free (active)|| ||**Range:** Extended||**Duration:** Sustained|| ||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 1 points per rank|| You can communicate over a distance using a medium other than your normal voice. Choose a sense type as the medium for your communication (see the list of examples). The following are some types of communication associated with particular sense types. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and the Gamemaster is free to allow other sorts of Communication, as best suits the character and the setting. - **Visual: **laser or fiber optic link. - **Auditory: **ultrasonic or infrasonic beam, "ventriloquism." - **Olfactory: **pheromones or chemical markers. - **Tactile: **vibratory carrier wave. - **Radio: **AM, FM, and short-wave radio bands, microwaves. - **Mental: **telepathic transmission, psychic link, mystical sending. Base range for Communication is 10 feet at rank 1. Each additional rank increases range as shown on the [[MMExtended Extended Range Table]]. Communication is instantaneous with any subject within your range. The recipient of your communication must be within range and have a means of receiving your transmission (super-sense, or a receiver of some sort; a score of 1 or more in all mental abilities is all that|s needed to "receive" Mental Communication). You can receive Communication of the same medium as your own. Receivers can choose to ignore your Communication, if they wish. Communication is language-dependent; you and the subject must share a common language (see [[MMComprehend Comprehend]] to communicate across language barriers). Your Communication is point-to-point (sent to a single receiver within your range). Activating your Communication effect is a free action. Communicating, however, takes the normal amount of time. You can apply the Rapid power feat to speed things up, provided your recipient is capable of receiving communication at that speed. Others with an acute sense able to detect your Communication medium can "tap into" your transmissions with a Notice check (DC 15 + your Communication rank). The eavesdropper must be within normal sensory range of you or the receiver. Your Communication can be blocked or "jammed" by sensory effects such as [[MMDazzle Dazzle]] or [[MMObscure Obscure]] affecting your transmission medium. =====Power Feats===== - **Affects Insubstantial: **As a sensory effect, Communication does not need this power feat for insubstantial subjects to perceive it. - **Dimensional: **Communication with this power feat can bridge dimensional barriers, reaching into other dimensions and planes of existence. The Communication effect still has its proximate range, and the GM may rule certain subjects "out of range" of the effect, depending on their relative position in the other dimension. - **Rapid: **Your communication occurs 10 times faster than normal speech. Each additional rank of this feat increases communication speed by a factor of 10. This is useful for high-speed computer links, "deep sharing" psychic rapports, and so forth. - **Selective: **If you have the Area extra, you can choose which receiver(s) within range get your Communication, excluding everyone else. This allows you to go from a single receiver (point-to-point) to all potential receivers in range (omni-directional) or anywhere in between. - **Subtle: **Your Communication cannot be "overheard" (it is encrypted, scrambled, or otherwise protected). If you apply the feat twice, your Communication cannot even be detected (that is, no one can even tell you are transmitting, much less what you|re saying). =====Extras===== - **Area: **You can broadcast omni-directionally to every receiver within your maximum Communication range at once. Note this extra is only strictly necessary to communicate with everyone over a wide area at once; since using and maintaining Communication are free actions, the GM may allow a communicator to establish and maintain contact with multiple discrete receivers--such as the members of the same team--all in the same round. - **Two-way: **You can initiate a two-way Communication effect with a receiver that doesn|t have the Communication power. =====Flaws===== - **Duration: **As a default, Communication requires only a modicum of attention to maintain, making it sustained. Some Communication effects may require greater focus, making them concentration duration (and essentially limiting the user to move and free actions while communicating). - **Distracting: **Communication use may be distracting, particularly if it requires a degree of concentration to maintain (see Duration, previously). - **Limited: **Communication may be limited to only members of a particular group, such as a species, family, members of an organization, and so forth. This is in addition to limitations imposed by medium (that is, requiring subjects to have a means of picking up on the Communication). Particularly limited groups may qualify for a greater flaw (-2 or more) as the GM sees fit. - **Sense-Dependent: **Communication itself is already sense-dependent (in that the subject(s) must be able to sense your communication medium to pick up your transmissions) and so cannot have this flaw. However, other perception range effects can be Communication-Dependent, meaning you must be in communication with your subject for them to work (using your Communication medium as a "carrier" for the other effect). If your Communication is blocked in any way, the other effect doesn|t work. An example is a mental power that is Mental Communication Dependent. [[MMPoderes]]