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======Benefit (General, Ranked)======

You have some significant perquisite or fringe benefit. The exact nature of the benefit is for you and the Gamemaster to determine. As a rule of thumb it should not exceed the benefits of any other feat, or a power costing 1 point. It should also be significant enough to cost at least 1 point. An example is Diplomatic Immunity (see Sample Benefits). A license to practice law or medicine, on the other hand, should not be considered a benefit; it|s simply a part of having enough ranks in the appropriate Profession skill and has no significant game effect. Benefits may come in ranks for improved levels of the same benefit. The GM is the final arbiter as to what does and does not constitute a Benefit in the campaign. Keep in mind some qualities may constitute Benefits in some campaigns, but not in others, depending on whether or not they have any real impact on the game.

====Sample Benefits====

The following are some potential Benefits. The GM is free to choose any suitable Benefit for the campaign.

- Alternate Identity: You have an alternate identity, complete with legal paperwork (driver|s license, birth certificate, etc.). This is different from a costumed identity, which doesn|t necessarily have any legal status.
- Diplomatic Immunity: By dint of your diplomatic status, you cannot be prosecuted for crimes in nations other than your own. All another nation can do is deport you to your home nation.
- Security Clearance: You have access to classified government information, installations, and possibly equipment and personnel.
- Status: By virtue of birth or achievement, you have special status. Examples include nobility, knighthood, aristocracy, being a samurai in medieval Japan, and so forth.
- Wealth: You have greater than average wealth or resources. Increase your Wealth bonus by +4 per rank (see page 132 for more information).

=====Warriors & Warlocks, Fighters & Fireballs=====

====Benefit (Status)====

In any setting even vaguely resembling medieval Earth or anywhere else that social class and bloodline distinctions make for significant advantages, this feat grants a bonus per rank to any social skill check for impressing the locals.

||Lowest order of nobility (Knights and similar)||+2||1 rank||
||Landed aristocrats or merchant princes||+3||2 ranks||
||Lower royalty (Princes, princesses)||+4||3 ranks||
||High royalty (Kings, emperors, etc)||+5||4 ranks||

=====Mecha & Manga=====


The following are more examples of benefits a manga hero can enjoy.

- Organizational Ties: The hero is an agent or employee of an organization with the funds and access to restricted technology, allowing the hero to purchase otherwise forbidden equipment.
- Common Sense: Usually, only one member of a series| entire cast has this benefit. The hero can make a Wisdom check to get a "bad feeling" when she or her allies are about to do something very, very wrong, as warned by the Gamemaster (DC 5-10 depending on the action|s level of stupid).
- Important Family: You belong to a family with renown and influence (or your fiancée does). While this doesn|t give you extra resources, people will be more inclined to deal with you based on your name alone.
- Normal Appearance: If you belong to a species that faces complications or drawbacks due to their physical appearance, this benefit can buy off one of them and make you look closer to what the setting considers "normal."
- Standard Features: Artificial heroes can have 5 equipment points worth of equipment installed into their bodies per rank, as part of their species| racial template.

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