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======(Attack) Flurry (Combat, Ranked)======

Your fists, legs, or weapons move with lightning speed, overwhelming your target with a melee barrage. Choose one type of melee attack when acquiring this feat (unarmed, swords, staff, a particular Strike power, etc.). As a full action, you can launch multiple attacks at a target with the chosen attack form. Make a normal attack roll with a -2 modifier. For every 5 points by which you exceed your target|s Defense, add +1 to your attack|s damage bonus, up to +5. Each additional rank in this feat reduces the interval to apply the extra damage by one, to a minimum of 2, increases the maximum damage bonus to +10, or designates another form of melee combat. The bonus granted by (Attack) Flurry does not count against power level limits. You cannot use this feat with powers with the Action drawback or the Autofire extra.

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