======Array====== You have a collection or Array of (Array rank x 2) power points you can use to duplicate other effects, which share the descriptors and the points available to the Array. You can allocate your Array points once per round as a free action to any of the effects of your Array. Your Array also has one "default" effect where it can apply its points; choose this when you create the structure. Essentially, an Array is a collection of powers, each structured in the standard way, but sharing the same "pool" of power points. Each possible "setting" or configuration of an Array is called an Alternate Power. A particular Alternate Power includes all effects, power feats, modifiers, and drawbacks included in that particular power. So if your Array gives you 20 power points to allocate, and you have an Alternate Power that is a 4 points per rank effect with two power feats, then you have 4 ranks in that power (for 16 power points) plus the two feats for a total cost of 18 points. Any "leftover" Array points not allocated to an Alternate Power don|t do anything. Each Alternate Power of your Array requires an Alternate Power feat. So being able to apply your Array points to the Blast power is one power feat. To apply them to Blast with the Area extra is another power feat, to apply them to Flight is a third feat, and so forth. =====Alternate Power Level Limits===== Alternate Powers are subject to the normal power level limits on effects. So, even if you have sufficient Array points to acquire a rank 20 Damage effect, for example, you|re still limited to whatever the campaign|s power level limit is on damage. This may result in "wasted points" for some Alternate Powers, as previously described, but is generally more than compensated for by the flexibility an Array provides. Non-player characters are limited in the same way to whatever power level the GM sets for them. =====Using Alternate Powers===== Each Alternate Power available to your Array is usable individually. While one Alternate Power is in use, none of the others are available. So if you have an Array with Blast, Dazzle, Force Field, and Flight Alternate Powers, for example, you can only use one of these each round, the others don|t work and aren|t considered in effect. The Dynamic power feat (see Array|s power feats, following) changes this, allowing you to "mix-and-match" Alternate Powers. =====Multiple Effects In An Alternate Power===== An Alternate Power can contain more than one effect and you can use all the effects of that Alternate Power normally, requiring their usual actions. Effects in the same Alternate Power need not be Linked, although they can be. For example, a rank 10 Array with 20 power points can have an Alternate Power that has Flight 5 (10 points) and Force Field 10 (10 points), both usable at the same time. Indeed, effects in the same Alternate Power must have points allocated to them at the same time and in the same proportion in order to use them at all, although they don|t have to be activated at the same time unless they are Linked. =====Power Feats===== Power feats within a particular Alternate Power are considered part of it and not feats of the Array itself. Thus points for the Array must be assigned to those feats in order to make that Alternate Power active, whether the feats are in use or not. Some power feats apply to the Array structure itself rather than to any of its Alternate Powers. These feats are "outside" and apply equally to all Alternate Powers. The GM should carefully scrutinize any such overall feats, ensuring they do in fact apply to the Array as a whole. Array points do not need to be applied to these power feats. - **Accurate: **This power feat can be applied to the Array as a whole, granting its benefits to all of the Array|s effects requiring attack rolls, since the Array can be considered a single power (albeit one with multiple applications). - **Alternate Power: **This feat adds an additional Alternate Power to the Array, another way in which its power points may be applied, subject to the normal guidelines for Alternate Powers, given in the effect|s description (see Alternate Power in the Power Feats section for details). - **Dynamic: **This feat makes an Alternate Power Dynamic, allowing it to share Array power points with other Dynamic Alternate Powers. Making the default power of an Array dynamic also requires an application of this feat. Usually, an Array needs at least two Dynamic configurations for this feat to be useful, although it can also be handy for Arrays where one Alternate Power requires fewer points than the Array provides (allowing those "wasted" points to be applied elsewhere). The total point value of Dynamic Alternate Powers in use still cannot exceed the Array|s available power points and the Array|s configuration can still only change once per round. =====Extras===== Generally, extras are applied to the various effects in an Array|s Alternate Powers rather than to the Array itself. -**Action: **Note that the free action required to change an Array|s configuration may only be reduced to a reaction at the GM|s discretion to suit a particular concept (an Array that changes automatically as a reaction to a particular circumstance). Even in this case, the Gamemaster should be wary of allowing an Array to reconfigure more than once per round. -**Affects Others: **An Array may have this modifier, allowing you to grant the use of the Array and its Alternate Powers to someone else. The subject granted the use of the Array controls its configuration from round to round (although you retain the ability to withdraw use of the Array altogether whenever you wish). -**Linked: **Effects in the same Alternate Power are not linked by default, but may have this modifier, if they|re intended solely for use simultaneously. So, for example, an Alternate Power can have two independent effects (such as Flight and Force Field), but they are not Linked, and must be activated separately unless the Linked modifier is applied to them. -**Range: **An Array with the Affects Others modifier may have the Range extra to improve the range at which you can grant the Array to another. This does not alter the ranges of the Array|s various Alternate Powers. To do so, apply the Range modifier to the effect(s) within a particular Alternate Power. =====Flaws===== Alternate Powers can have their own individual flaws, which reduce the cost of the Alternate Power (and the number of Array power points that must be allocated to it) normally. -**Action: **Modifying the action required to change an Array|s configuration is a drawback rather than a flaw (see the following section). -**Duration: **Note that an Array has a "special" duration, which cannot be modified. The Alternate Powers of the Array use their individual durations while in use. Switching Alternate Powers counts as no longer maintaining that Alternate Powers effect(s). Lasting effects persist even when they|re not maintained, however. This remains the case if those lasting effects are part of an Array. -**Distracting: **An Array that is distracting to reconfigure is a drawback rather than a flaw (see the following section). The Array|s individual Alternate Powers may also be distracting to use, in which case the flaw is applied individually to them, rather than the Array as a whole. If all the Alternate Powers of the Array are distracting, then the flaw may apply to the entire Array structure but then does not apply to its Alternate Powers when figuring their cost. -**Uncontrolled: **If this flaw is applied to the Array structure (rather than one or more of its Alternate Powers) then the Gamemaster controls when the Array|s configuration changes and which one it changes to when it does. If the Array has Dynamic Alternate Powers, the GM also decides where its power points are allocated. Uncontrolled applied to a particular Alternate Power has its normal effect when that Alternate Power is in use. -**Unreliable: **If this flaw is applied to the Array as a whole (rather than one or more of its Alternate Powers), then changing the Array|s configuration becomes Unreliable. The player must roll a die when changing the Array, on a 10 or less the Array is "stuck" on its current Alternate Power and doesn|t change. =====Drawbacks===== As noted previously, drawbacks applying to particular Alternate Powers of an Array are considered part of that Alternate Power and not the Array structure as a whole. Some drawbacks may apply to the Array structure overall, in which case they also apply equally to all of the Array|s Alternate Powers. -**Action: **An Action drawback applied to an Array increases the time required to change its configuration: each point of the Action drawback increases the time one step on the Time Table, from a free to a move action, then standard, full action, one minute, and so forth. This can represent an Array requiring "recalibration" or some other involved effort to reconfigure. As usual, the drawback cannot have a value greater than or equal to the total value of the Array. -**Distracting: **If changing the Array|s configuration is distracting--causing you to lose your dodge bonus during the round you reconfigure--this is a 2-point power drawback for the Array. -**Power Loss: **An Array may have circumstances where it is ineffective or stops functioning, in which case all of the Array|s powers become unavailable. Otherwise, the Power Loss drawback applies to Array like any other power. [[MMEstructuras]]