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======Alternate Form======

||**Effect:** [[MMContainer Container]]||**Action:** Free (active)||
||**Range:** Personal||**Duration:** Sustained||
||**Saving Throw:** None||**Cost:** 5 points per rank||

You can exist in a form other than mere flesh and blood, giving you additional traits. It requires a free action to change into or out of your Alternate Form and you can do so once per round. Your Alternate Form traits are generally in addition to those of your normal (flesh and blood) form: if your pre-existing traits change, see the Metamorph power feat of [[MMMorph Morph]]; it is necessary to re-allocate your existing traits.

You have 5 power points per Alternate Form rank to apply to powers related to your form. Once you choose your Alternate Form|s traits, they are fixed and do not change.

====Sample Alternate Forms====

-**Energy: **You are made up of energy, such as fire or electricity. Apply your points to [[MMBlast Blast]], [[MMEnergyAura Energy Aura]], [[MMFlight Flight]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], [[MMInsubstantial Insubstantial]] 3, and [[MMTransmit Transmit]] (via your energy medium).

-**Gaseous: **You are a cloud of gas, like fog or mist. Apply your points to [[MMConcealment Concealment]], [[MMFlight Flight]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 2, and [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]].

-**Ghost: **You are incorporeal and invisible, largely unaffected by the physical world. Apply your points to [[MMConcealment Concealment]], [[MMFlight Flight]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], and [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 4.

-**Liquid: **You are made up of liquid (such as water) apply your points to [[MMBlast Blast]], [[MMConcealment Concealment]] (Limited to underwater -1), [[MMElongation Elongation]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 1, [[MMSuffocate Suffocate]], and [[MMSwimming Swimming]].

-**Particulate: **Your body is composed of a granular or particulate substance like sand, dust, salt, and so forth. Apply your points to [[MMBlast Blast]], [[MMElongation Elongation]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 1, [[MMStrike Strike]], and [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (slithering).

-**Shadow: **You transform into a living shadow. Apply your points to [[MMConcealment Concealment]] (visual, Limited to areas of shadow -1), [[MMFatigue Fatigue]] (chilling touch), [[MMImmunity Immunity]], [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 4, and [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (slithering, wall-crawling).

-**Solid: **You are made up of a hard substance like stone or metal. Apply your points to [[MMDensity Density]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], and [[MMProtection Protection]].

-**Swarm: **Your "body" is actually thousands of other tiny creatures: insects, worms, even little robots. Apply your points to [[MMBlast Blast]], [[MMFlight Flight]], [[MMImmunity Immunity]], [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 1, [[MMStrike Strike]], and [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (slithering, wall-crawling).

-**Two-Dimensional: **You can flatten yourself to become almost infinitely thin. Apply your points to [[MMConcealment Concealment]] (visual, Limited to one side -1), [[MMInsubstantial Insusbtantial]] 1 (for slipping through narrow spaces), [[MMStrike Strike]] (Penetrating), and [[MMSuperMovement Super-Movement]] (slithering).


-**Projection (-1): **Rather than transforming into your Alternate Form, a new form with the Alternate Form traits appears while your normal form becomes unconscious. Your mind controls the new form. When you deactivate an Alternate Form Projection, your mind returns to your normal body, which regains consciousness. So, for example, if Umbra sends his consciousness into his shadow, separating it from his body to assume his Shadow Form, it qualifies as a Projection and his normal body remains unconscious until his shadow form returns (and his mind with it).

=====Associated Effects=====

- **[[MMArray Array]]: **Since you can only exist in one alternate form at a time, you can take any other alternate form with an equal or lesser cost as an Alternate Power in an Array (switching between Alternate Powers--and forms--as a free action once per round).

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