Additional Limbs

Type: AlterationAction: None (passive)
Range: PersonalDuration: Permanent
Saving Throw: NoneCost: 1 point per rank

You have one or more additional limbs, such as arms, legs, tentacles, or a prehensile tail (among others). You have one extra limb at rank 1. Each additional rank moves your number of extra limbs one step up the Progression Table: two at rank 2, five at rank 3, and so forth. In-between numbers of additional limbs should be consid- ered the nearest higher rank. So four extra limbs, for example, is considered rank 3.

Additional Limbs do not allow you to take extra actions in a round, although they do provide the benefits of the Improved Grapple feat--grappling with some of your limbs and leaving others free--and may make you more resistant to trip attacks (granting you a +4 bonus on the resistance check if they make your stance more stable). All additional limbs except your dominant limb are considered your "off-hand." If you have the Ambidexterity feat, you have no off-hand penalties with any of your limbs.

If you apply all of your Additional Limbs to a grapple attempt (rather than using the benefits of Improved Grapple to leave some of them free), you gain a +1 grapple bonus per rank in Additional Limbs.

Power Feats


In general, power modifiers affecting attacks (e.g. Affects Corporeal, Area, Penetrating, etc.) should apply to the Strength of a character with Additional Limbs rather than to the Additional Limbs effect itself. Such modifiers applied to Strength affect all of the character|s limbs.



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