======Acrobatics (Dex, Trained Only)====== You can flip, dive, roll, tumble, and perform other acrobatic maneuvers, and you|re also adept at keeping your balance under difficult circumstances. **Check:** Make an Acrobatics check (DC 25) to move through a space occupied by an opponent or obstacle (moving over, under, or around). A failed roll means you don|t get past the obstacle. - //Balancing:// You can walk on a precarious surface. A successful check lets you move at half your speed along the surface as a move action. A failure indicates you spend your move action just keeping your balance and do not move. A failure by 5 or more means you fall. The difficulty varies with the conditions of the surface. While balancing, you lose your dodge bonus to Defense unless you have 5 or more ranks in Acrobatics. If you take damage while balancing, make an immediate Acrobatics check to avoid falling. ||**Surface**||**DC**|| ||More than 12 in. wide||5|| ||7-12 in. wide||10|| ||2-6 in. wide||15|| ||Less than 2 in. wide||20|| ||Uneven or angled||+5|| ||Slippery||+5|| - //Accelerated Movement:// You can try to move faster than normal while balancing. You can move your full speed, but take a -5 penalty on your Acrobatics check. Moving twice your speed requires two checks, one for each move action. - //Jumping:// You can make an Acrobatics check to extend the distance you can jump (see Jumping, page 34) by 1 foot per point your check exceeds DC 15. - //Falling:// You can make an Acrobatics check (DC 5) to lessen damage from a fall. Subtract the amount your roll exceeds the DC from the distance of a fall in feet before determining damage. So an Acrobatics check of 20 (15 more than the DC) reduces the effective distance of a fall by 15 feet. A fall reduced to 0 distance does no damage and you land on your feet. You can reduce knockback damage in the same way (see Knockback, page 165). - //Avoiding Being Tripped:// You can make an Acrobatics check in place of the Strength or Dexterity check to avoid a trip attack (see Trip, page 159). You cannot use Acrobatics to make trip attacks, however. - //Instant Up:// You can make an Acrobatics check (DC 20) to stand from a prone position as a free action rather than a move action. - //Performance:// You can use Acrobatics as an [[MMExpertise Expertise]] skill to impress an audience. **Try Again:** No. **Action:** Free. If you actually move as part of your Acrobatics check, then it counts as part of your move action. **Special:** The balancing aspects of Acrobatics can be used untrained. [[MMSkills]]