======Koffix====== ==Alondra== **Power level: ** 10 (162 pp) **Abilities: ** STR 10 (+0), DEX 15 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 14 (+2), WIS 18 (+4), CHA 15 (+2) **Skills: ** [[MMConcentration Concentration]] 11 (+15), [[MMDiplomacy Diplomacy]] 8 (+10), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Drums) 3 (+5), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Religion) 9 (+11), [[MMExpertise Expertise]] (Magic) 9 (+11), [[MMLanguage Language]] 3 (Celestial, Draconic, Undercommon), [[MMMedicine Medicine]] 9 (+13), [[MMSenseMotive Sense Motive]] 8 (+12) **Feats: ** [[MMBenefit Benefit]] (Valdhoras| Priest), [[MMInspire Inspire]] 2, [[MMRitualist Ritualist]] [Expertise: Religion] **Powers: ** **[[MMShrinking Shrinking]] 4** (Small; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Duration [Continuous; +1], Normal Strength [+1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Innate; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Permanent [-1]; 9 pp) **[[MMSuperSenses Super Senses]] 2** (Darkvision; 2 pp) **[[MMArray Array]] 10** [Valdhoras| Light] ([[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Power Loss [Without holy symbol, Minor, Uncommon; -1]; 19 pp) //Base Power: //**[[MMEmotionControl Emotion Control]] 10** [Turn Undead] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst; +1], [[MMWard Damaging]] [+3]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Range [Touch; -2], Limited [Fear only; -1], Limited [Affects only undead; -1]) //AP: //**[[MMBlast Blast]] 10** [Divine Vengeance] (1 pp) //AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 6** [Healing Touch] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Action [Standard; +1]; [[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Persistent [+1]; 1 pp) //AP: //**[[MMHealing Healing]] 5** [Healing Light] ([[MMExtras Extras]]: Area [General, Burst; +1], Selective Attack [+1]; 1 pp) **[[MMVariable Variable]] 8** [Valdhoras| Prayers] (Multiple powers of a magical descriptor related to life, light and creation; [[MMExtras Extras]]: Duration [Continuous; +1]; [[MMFlaws Flaws]]: Action [-1]; [[MMPowerDrawbacks Drawbacks]]: Action 4 [1 hour to reconfigure; -4]; 44 pp) //Shrinking Effects// Small size Toughness -1 Attack +1 Defense +1 Grapple -4 Stealth +4 Intimidate -2 Carrying Capacity x3/4 Speed 20 ft. **Equipment (Wealth): ** Mace, heavy; Mace, light; Crossbow, light; Full plate; Large Metal Shield **[[MMStrike Strike]] 3** [Mace, heavy] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 4 ep) **[[MMStrike Strike]] 2** [Mace, light] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Mighty; 3 ep) **[[MMBlast Blast]] 2** [Crossbow, light] ([[MMPowerFeats Power Feats]]: Improved Critical [19-20], Improved Range 2 [50 ft.]; 7 ep) **[[MMProtection Protection]] 6** [Full plate] (6 ep) //Large Metal Shield// (7 ep) **[[MMDeflect Deflect]] 4**(Slow projectiles) **[[MMShield Shield]] 3** **Saves:** **Toughness** +2 //Modifiers// Full plate +6 **Fortitude** +10 **Reflex** +6 **Will** +12 **Combat:** **Attack** +6 **Damage** Crossbow, light +2 (Crit on 19-20, Range Increment 50 ft.) Divine Vengeance +11 (2 range increments) Mace, heavy +4 Mace, light +3 Turn undead +6 **Defense** 16 (13 flat-footed) //Modifiers// Large Metal Shield +3 **Initiative** +2 **Grapple** +1 **Knockback** 1/2 Toughness (Non-impervious) + Toughness (Impervious) - 4 **Wealth: ** +10 (Middle class) **Complications: ** Prejudice (Es un kobold), Responsibility (Hacia [[CaraGreenbottle Cara]] y su pueblo liberado) **Abilities 26 + Skills 15 + Feats 4 + Powers 77 + Combat 20 + Saves 20 = Total 162**